K Samka

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Franck Lepage - Inculture(s) 1 and 2

  • Franck Lepage - Inculture(s)
  • Franck Lepage - Inculture(s)
  • Franck Lepage - Inculture(s)
  • Franck Lepage - Inculture(s)
  • Franck Lepage - Inculture(s)
  • Franck Lepage - Inculture(s)
  • Franck Lepage - Inculture(s)
  • Franck Lepage - Inculture(s)

Franck Lepage - Inculture(s) 1 :
Why they didn’t want anything to do with empowerment education... A different story of culture
(L'éducation populaire, monsieur, ils n'en ont pas voulu... une autre histoire de la culture)

That's what happened to me. This is the story I am going to tell you. When I say that "I have ceased to believe in culture", we all agree it is stupid remark ! More precisely, I have stopped believing in what we call in France "cultural democratization...". This concept assumes that throwing cultural manure to the poor will make them grow and catch up with the rich ! They will be "fed with culture" in short. That is what I have stopped believing in. That was my job in the suburban areas, where the poor usually live… So, I used to deliver them "wheelbarrowfuls" of cultural fertilizer in the form of contemporary art and "creation". There is plenty of manure in contemporary art. Contemporary dance, contemporary theatre, contemporary music... to help them grow. We also hear about reducing the cultural disparities, about "upward mobility" via culture. But what I stupidly realised one day is that the rich can afford to educate themselves still faster...
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Franck Lepage - Inculture(s)

Franck Lepage - Inculture(s) 2 :
What if we didn’t let the rich get educated themselves faster than the poor, or how I failed to climb the social ladder…
A different story of education
(Et si on empêchait les riches de s'instruire plus vite que les pauvres, ou comment j'ai raté mon ascension sociale...
une autre histoire de l'éducation.)

The show uses paragliding (aerological ascent) as a metaphor for climbing the social ladder. In that sense, it is also a lecture on paragliding.
School is a reproduction, a confirmation and a legitimization of social order.
Our school system is not based on the concept of equality but it maintains inequalities, renamed "equal chances".
However, we came very close to adopting Lepelletier de Saint Fergeau’s educational program instead of Condorcet’s program.
Being aware of this(and having checked it personally) does not mprove matters for us when it comes to action. The lecture/performance refers to several authors (François Dubet, Bernard Defrance, Jean Louis Derouet, Nico Hirt, Bernard Charlot, etc.) and links together various issues of today.
Teaching methods repeating disparities : individual marking, the "gruesome permanent feature"…
Academic success and the relationship to power. Confusion between democratization and "massification".
The ever widening gulf between the academic system and the labour market, the inanity of a school system that adapts itself to the "labour market". The dismantling of a governmental school system and the setting up of an educational market.
An impossible coexistence of three missions, educating, teaching and training in a society suffering massive unemployment.
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France Inter - Là-bas si j'y suis - 3 Réacs à la FIAC (French radio interview)

Tour dates Inculture(s) 1 and 2

22 January 2022 - Samatan (France-32)
2 April 2022 - Théâtre Jean Marias - Saint-Fons (France-69)
21 May 2022 - La Strada - Marciac (France-32)

The artists I support

Link to Les Baladins du Miroir
Les Baladins du Miroir
Link to Zabou Breitman
Zabou Breitman
Cie Cabotine
Link to Nathalie Fillion
Nathalie Fillion
Théâtre du Baldaquin
Link to Geneviève de Kermabon
Geneviève de Kermabon
Link to Pierre Pradinas
Pierre Pradinas
Le Chapeau Rouge
Link to Shindô
A. Muller
B. Poncet


K Samka
Non-profit-making organisation
12 rue de l’Abbaye des Augustins
F - 24220 Saint-Cyprien

Tél +33 (0)6 11 71 57 06Tél +33 (0)6 11 71 57 06


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Performing arts Licence PLATESV-R-2020-011716

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