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Nathalie Fillion - On our mind

  • Nathalie Fillion - On our mind
  • Nathalie Fillion - On our mind
  • Nathalie Fillion - On our mind
  • Nathalie Fillion - On our mind
  • Nathalie Fillion - On our mind
  • Nathalie Fillion - On our mind
  • Nathalie Fillion - On our mind
  • Nathalie Fillion - On our mind
  • Nathalie Fillion - On our mind
  • Nathalie Fillion - On our mind
  • Nathalie Fillion - On our mind
  • Nathalie Fillion - On our mind
  • Nathalie Fillion - On our mind
  • Nathalie Fillion - On our mind
  • Nathalie Fillion - On our mind

Photo Nelly Blaya

Indent notes
Paris, 2027. Since women have been speaking and we have been listening to them, new pathologies have appeared, which affect both sexes: new fears, anxieties and phobias, new OCD... so many new symptoms which alert the WHO and the community scientist.

To deal with this, the La Pitié Salpetrière hospital has just opened a new post-metoo care and research unit, led by Professor Rose Spillerman, an iconoclastic neuropsychiatrist, flanked by her unwavering assistant Mario, head of the choir of the hospital.

Today, accompanied by her sister Marguerite, Iris is placed under observation because recently Iris suddenly stopped speaking. Is she carrying too heavy a secret or is she haunted by a woman from the past as Marguerite thinks? From the most traditional to the most experimental, all means will be good to advance research and elucidate the Iris case. The hospital room then becomes the place of all fictions, of all phantasmagoria.

"We will sing when we can no longer speak, we will dance when words no longer have meaning. There will be totally written silent scenes. As for music, I need its vibrations to enter the flesh of emotions through a door other than that of words. More than ever, I need its energy, its evocative power, to try to grasp the chaos of the world that is ours, and get through it safe and sound. I need her to write the unspeakable."

On our mind
A post-Metoo Phantasmagoria

Text and Direction Nathalie Fillion
Play : Marieva Jaime-Cortez, Rafaela Jirkovsky,
Manon Kneusé, Damien Sobieraff
Choregraphy : Jean-Marc Hoolbecq
Scénography and costume : Charlotte Villermet
Sound : Estelle Lembert
Light : Denis Desanglois
General management and lighting management : Sam Dineen or Thierry Capéran
Music from Stéfano Landi, Christophe, Velvet underground, B52’s, Nathalie Fillion.

The text was read on the 18th of July 2022 at the Festival of Avignon within the framework of "Spirit of Avignon", cycle of unpublished works readings at the Palais des papes - Cloître Benoît XII.

The Company Théâtre du Baldaquin is subsidized by DRAC Ile de France (French Ministry of Culture - Paris).
Production : Théâtre du Baldaquin. Co-productions : Théâtre de l’Union - C.D.N du Limousin / Le Carré -Scène Nationale de Château-Gontier / ScénOgraph - Théâtre de l’Usine de Saint-Céré- Scène conventionnée d’intérêt national – Arte et Création - Art en Territoire / Communauté d’agglomération Mont Saint-Michel Normandie.
With the help of La Chartreuse - Centre National des Ecritures du Spectacle, DRAC Occitanie, Communauté de Communes de la Vallée du Lot et du Vignoble and Espace Sorano-Vincennes.
Thanks to Théâtre Ouvert (Paris).


Tour dates

Residence of creation at Espace Sorano in Vincennes and Scène Conventionnée of Saint-Céré (France-46)
Creation on 19th of January 2024 - 20h30
Théâtre de l’Usine, Scène Conventionnée Art & Création/Art et Territoire - Saint-Céré (France-46)
8 February 2024 - 20h30 - Théâtre - Avranches (France-50)
21 March 2024 - 19h00 - Studio-Théâtre - Asnières-sur-Seine (France-92)
22 March 2024 - 20h00 - Studio-Théâtre - Asnières-sur-Seine (France-92)
23 March 2024 - 18h00 - Studio-Théâtre - Asnières-sur-Seine (France-92)
24 March 2024 - 15h00 - Studio-Théâtre - Asnières-sur-Seine (France-92)
4 May 2024 - 20h30 - Arsénic – Gindou (France-46)
From 3 to 21 July 2024 (except 8 & 15) - 20h20 - Théâtre du Train Bleu – Avignon (France-84)
23 August 2024 - 20h45 - Festival La mousson d'été - Pont-à-Mousson (France-54)

Show available on tour season 2024-2025

Downloads (FR files)
Presentation pack FR (pdf)      Press Pack FR (zip)      Photos (zip)     
Technical rider FR (zip)      Poster Flyer (zip) mail Ask for the file of production with the Financial Terms

Also touring

"On our mind"
Link to Nathalie Fillion - On our mind
- CREATION 2024 -
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Link to Nathalie Fillion - Faces
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"Bigger than me"
Link to Nathalie Fillion - Bigger than me
- CREATION 2017 -
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The artists I support

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Les Baladins du Miroir
Link to Zabou Breitman
Zabou Breitman
Cie Cabotine
Link to Nathalie Fillion
Nathalie Fillion
Théâtre du Baldaquin
Link to Geneviève de Kermabon
Geneviève de Kermabon
Link to Pierre Pradinas
Pierre Pradinas
Le Chapeau Rouge
Link to Shindô
A. Muller
B. Poncet


K Samka
Non-profit-making organisation
12 rue de l’Abbaye des Augustins
F - 24220 Saint-Cyprien

Tél +33 (0)6 11 71 57 06Tél +33 (0)6 11 71 57 06


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Alphabet designer : Christophe Avril
Logo designer : Dyssia Loubatière
Website translator : Hélène Hirsinger and Pierre Cornouaille

Web designer : François Tomsu / image-virtuelle.com
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