K Samka

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Nicolas Saelens - The Conference of Dogs

  • Nicolas Saelens - The Conference of Dogs
  • Nicolas Saelens - The Conference of Dogs
  • Nicolas Saelens - The Conference of Dogs
  • Nicolas Saelens - The Conference of Dogs
  • Nicolas Saelens - The Conference of Dogs
  • Nicolas Saelens - The Conference of Dogs
  • Nicolas Saelens - The Conference of Dogs

Photo Mickael Troivaux

We offer the children a show that opens the scope of reading and comprehension. A sign can easily hide another sign. Where they come from, those signs we write our stories with?
We offer a space to be read, we create several grounds where the storytellers use various tools, as puppets, shadows, masks, sound, lights... Playing all that, they tell stories that shed light on the issues of the main character: A, a child who has been received by dogs after a big chaos in the human world. In a playful spirit, the signs become intermingled in order to make sense and write a story inviting to read the flight of the birds. Then, when the situation we are in is that of barking humans an dogs speaking the universal language of caresses, we have to trust the animal signs, to trust the living. This show says to us how important it is to tell stories and to make them travel.
Nicolas Saelens
View tour dates

"The Conference of Dogs"

Text by Kossi Efoui
Direction : Nicolas Saelens

Stage design : Antoine Vasseur
Music : Karine Dumont
Puppets : Norbert Choquet
Costumes : Marie Ampe
Lights creation : Frank Besson
Sound : Benoît Moritz
Assistant stage manager : Bif
Stage manager and sound master : Vincent Lawandowski
Master electrician : Marie Boussat

Starring :
Angélique Bouille, Ludovic Darras, Philippe Rodriguez-Jorda

Production / Co-production

Production : Compagnie Théâtre Inutile.
Co-production : Le SAFRAN Amiens, le Palace in Montataire, Maison des Arts et des Loisirs de Laon. Partners: La Minoterie, Pôle Jeune Public à Dijon, Maison de la Culture d’Amiens, Abbaye Royale de Saint-Riquier, Collège Arthur Rimbaud, Amiens, Ecole Vincenzini, Amiens, Collège Anatole France de Montadaire, Lycée Paul Claudel de Laon.

The Company Théâtre Inutile has got agreement and subsidies from the Ministry for the Arts – DRAC Picardie, the Conseil régional de Picardie, the Conseil général de la Somme and Amiens Métropole with the partnership of Maison de la Culture d’Amiens.


Nicolas Saelens - The Conference of Dogs

mail Ask for the DVD of the show

Tour dates

3 to 7 November 2016 - Théâtre Dunois - Paris
9 to 14 November 2016 - Théâtre Dunois - Paris

Show available on tour 2018-2019

Also touring


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K Samka
Non-profit-making organisation
12 rue de l’Abbaye des Augustins
F - 24220 Saint-Cyprien

Tél +33 (0)6 11 71 57 06Tél +33 (0)6 11 71 57 06


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