K Samka

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Pierre Pradinas - Farces and Short Stories - Tchekhov

  • Pierre Pradinas - Farces et Nouvelles - Tchekhov
  • Pierre Pradinas - Farces et Nouvelles - Tchekhov
  • Pierre Pradinas - Farces et Nouvelles - Tchekhov
  • Pierre Pradinas - Farces et Nouvelles - Tchekhov
  • Pierre Pradinas - Farces et Nouvelles - Tchekhov
  • Pierre Pradinas - Farces et Nouvelles - Tchekhov
  • Pierre Pradinas - Farces et Nouvelles - Tchekhov
  • Pierre Pradinas - Farces et Nouvelles - Tchekhov
  • Pierre Pradinas - Farces et Nouvelles - Tchekhov

Photo Paul Soubiron

In his short plays as well as in his short stories, Chekhov portrays characters we are not very much used to find on stage and he makes them live literally, the way Daumiers does in his drawings: farmers, bank clerks, people heavily in debt, struggling in an introvert, decrepit world, the finishing universe of the XIXth century's Russia. Yet we really have the feeling that we have already met them, somewhere. Just like in Chaplin's movies, burlesque and humaneness of the characters go hand in hand. It's great stuff for actors and actresses to work on.

Our project to stage these short plays was constantly associated with the idea to show them in singular places, not automatically dedicated to theatre: boards, squares, castles, gardens, open-air places, village halls. The current context prompted us to imagine a light, adaptable form, the duration of which being flexible. We wish to create a community show that could be also produced on great stages, we wish to mixt actors of several different generations, looking for exchange, passing on and solidarity with those who just start in theatre.

We have selected three plays and two short stories, particularly interested as we were, in their short size. Chekhov, of course excels at it. They are meant for a vast audience and have the quality and profundity of the great plays. The farce here is not what we usually believe. Of course it leads to laughing cruelly, but after all it shows people with a lot of tenderness. Pierre Pradinas


Tour dates

From 8 November 2023 to 7 January 2024
Théâtre Le Lucernaire, Salle Rouge – Paris (75006)
From Tuesday to Saturday at 19h00, Sunday at 16h00
(except Sunday 31 December at 19h00)
The nine actors who make up the collective will take turns to present to you
a sequence of two short pieces and one short story alternating

Pierre Pradinas - Farces et Nouvelles - Tchekhov

Farces and Short Stories - Tchekhov

A Marriage Proposal / The Bear / On the Harmful Effects of Tobacco
Translated by André Markovicz and Françoise Morvan
"Short Stories"
A Drama / Death of a Civil Servant
Translated by Elsa Triolet

Direction Pierre Pradinas
With Quentin Baillot / Louis Benmokhtar / Romain Bertrand
Aurélien Chaussade / Laure Descamps / Maloue Fourdrinier
Maud Gentien / Philippe Rebbot / Prune Ventura

Music : Christophe «Disco» Minck
Light : Orazio Trotta
Staging Assistant : Simon Courtois
Costume : Céline Guignard

Producer : Le Chapeau Rouge
Co-producers : Bonlieu-Scène Nationale d’Annecy, Scène Nationale Alès, Le Cratère, Théâtre de L’Union CDN Limoges, Le Molière, Théâtre de Gascogne, Théâtre Ducourneau Agen, with the support of Académie de L’union and Estba, CDN Bordeaux-Nouvelle Aquitaine.
The company Le Chapeau Rouge is subsidized by DRAC and Region Nouvelle Aquitaine.
With the support of OARA 2023/2024 for touring.

Show available on tour season 2023-2024

Web Site
Cie Le Chapeau Rouge / Pierre Pradinas

Downloads (FR files)
Presentation pack (pdf)      Press pack (pdf)      Press Revue (zip)      Photos (zip)     
Poster Flyer (zip)
mail Ask for the file of production with the Financial Terms

Affiche tournée Farces et Nouvelles - Tchekhov

Also touring

"The Occupation"

Link to Pierre Pradinas - The Occupation
- CREATION 2018 -
Learn more...
"Farces & Short Stories

Link to Pierre Pradinas - Farces and Short Stories - Tchekhov
- CREATION 2018 -
Learn more...

The artists I support

Link to Les Baladins du Miroir
Les Baladins du Miroir
Link to Zabou Breitman
Zabou Breitman
Cie Cabotine
Link to Nathalie Fillion
Nathalie Fillion
Théâtre du Baldaquin
Link to Geneviève de Kermabon
Geneviève de Kermabon
Link to Pierre Pradinas
Pierre Pradinas
Le Chapeau Rouge
Link to Shindô
A. Muller
B. Poncet


K Samka
Non-profit-making organisation
12 rue de l’Abbaye des Augustins
F - 24220 Saint-Cyprien

Tél +33 (0)6 11 71 57 06Tél +33 (0)6 11 71 57 06


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