K Samka

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Ilka Schönbein / Alexandra Lupidi - Rumpelstiltskin

  • Ilka Schönbein / Alexandra Lupidi - Rumpelstiltskin
  • Ilka Schönbein / Alexandra Lupidi - Rumpelstiltskin
  • Ilka Schönbein / Alexandra Lupidi - Rumpelstiltskin
  • Ilka Schönbein / Alexandra Lupidi - Rumpelstiltskin
  • Ilka Schönbein / Alexandra Lupidi - Rumpelstiltskin
  • Ilka Schönbein / Alexandra Lupidi - Rumpelstiltskin
  • Ilka Schönbein / Alexandra Lupidi - Rumpelstiltskin

Photo Marinette Delanné

"Spin straw into gold ? That is an art which pleases me well." says the king.
"Something alive is dearer to me than all the treasures in the world." says the little man. These are the two essential sentences of this fairytale. Between them unfolds the whole story. These words have sounded in my ears for a long time and two years ago I decided to turn them into a little show. It took me only three weeks to build the puppets and get the show down on paper… a work that usually takes about one to two years. Shortly after this, I had a breakdown, a complete physical and psychological crisis. This was not because of the work on Rumpelstiltskin. That was only the straw that broke the camel's back. I had to cancel our tour of "Sinon je te mange..." And I haven't touched puppets since (almost).

Is there life after puppets?
I've been searching for it, this life without puppets, and I still search for it - so I can live, survive. Something alive is dearer to me than all the puppets in the world.
Why do I want to tell this fairy tale?
Why am I telling you this very personal story?
The tale talks about art. Maybe about all forms of art, because every true artist transforms straw into gold. But I also think that every true artist is carried by a little (or big) demon. And this demon wants to be paid. And what it likes best, this type of demon, is really something alive. So one pays with one's living soul, with one's living body, with one's living future (the child in the tale).

Why is one ready to pay such a high price?
Because every true artist feels like she or he is in the same situation as the miller's daughter, emprisoned in a room full of straw that absolutely needs to be transformed into gold. The door won't be opened unless the work is accomplished. When the door opens, it opens to life. What bliss! But it lasts only a few moments, and then one finds oneself in another room, always bigger, full of straw... Which means for the artist: after the creation is always before the creation.
And nobody will convince the true artist that there is a real life outside his golden cage.
They are strange creatures, these artists, aren't they...?
View tour dates

Directed by : Ilka Schönbein
Music composed by : Alexandra Lupidi
Performance & Puppetry : Pauline Drünert
Performance & Music : Alexandra Lupidi
Puppetry built by : Ilka Schönbein
Assistant director : Anja Schimanski, Britta Arste
Lighting design and technician : Anja Schimanski
Set : Suska Kanzler

Production / Co-production

Producer: Theater Meschugge / Management : K Samka.
Co-producer and residencies : FMTM - Festival Mondial des Théâtres de Marionnettes de Charleville-Mézières, France, Scène Nationale of Sète, L’Agora of Billère. Theater Fadenschein, Braunschweig, Germany.
With the support of the DRAC Ile-de-France.

Ilka Schönbein / Alexandra Lupidi - Video Ricdin-Ricdon
See Rumpelstiltskin on Vimeo

Tour dates

15 October 2020 - 10h00 & 14h45 - Théâtre du Blanc Mesnil (France-93)
9 November 2020 - 14h15 & 19h30 - Scènes du Jura, Scène Nationale – Dole (France-39)
10 November 2020 - 10h00 & 14h15 - Scènes du Jura, Scène Nationale – Dole (France-39)
18 November 2020 - 14h30 - Zurich (Swiss)
19 November 2020 - 10h00 (school audience) - Zurich (Swiss)
20 November 2020 - 19h00 - Zurich (Swiss)


Also touring Ilka Schönbein & Alexandra Lupidi

Book on sale

"Un théâtre charnel" ("A theatre of the flesh")
(Les Editions de l'Oeil)
A book written by Marinette Delanné and Naly Gérard,
100 photographs of Ilka Schönbein’s shows by Marinette Delanné
Price : 30 € / book + postal charges 8,50 €
Publication of the book February 2017
Book Ilka Schönbein

Photo Marinette Delanné

Ilka Schönbein - Un théâtre charnel
("A theatre of the flesh")
Learn more..

Download purchase order (pdf) !

The artists I support

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Link to Pierre Pradinas
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Le Chapeau Rouge
Link to Shindô
A. Muller
B. Poncet


K Samka
Non-profit-making organisation
12 rue de l’Abbaye des Augustins
F - 24220 Saint-Cyprien

Tél +33 (0)6 11 71 57 06Tél +33 (0)6 11 71 57 06


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Logo designer : Dyssia Loubatière
Website translator : Hélène Hirsinger and Pierre Cornouaille

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